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Sarah's television recaps/predictions/woes in one handy package

There may be spoilers mixed in here, so if you have not yet watched all the shows you ought to, then you'd better cover your eyes as you scroll down the page and have a trusted friend tell you when to open them. This is the extent of my non-spoiling efforts. So there.

  • FIRST OF ALL, please have it be known that I saw The Last Temptation of Homer on TV Tuesday night and later read this thread on Fark and as a result, the name "Joey Jo-Jo Junior Shabadoo" has been echoing in my brain for hours now. Whenever my brain is at rest, it repeats "Joey Jo-Jo Junior Shabadoo" endlessly until I can come up with another active thought to replace it. I can't idly muse on anything else because JOEY JO-JO JUNIOR SHABADOO JOEY JO-JO JUNIOR SHABADOO FOR GOD'S SAKE MAKE IT STOP.
  • Dear Miniature Cowboy on American Idol,
    No one is going to yell at you. No one is going to kick you off the show. You are a tiny wee tearful cowboy with a Rock Hudson-esque appreciation for the lights of the big city and "all those buildin's full o' people." You ain't never been on a plane before, been on a stage before, sung to anyone but your turkeys before and you jump and twirl and say things like "Gosh." You could sing like a turkey instead of to a turkey and the judges would send you on to the next round. It's not just about the singing. You are American Idol gold, foo'.
  • Dear The Brittenum Twins,
  • As for Lost, I will just copy over everything I put in my comments on Fraulein N's recap rather than trying to come up with new ways to express my thoughts on the show. I'm lazy.
    I had trouble following who was conning who in this episode. I didn't really feel like the show was saying "You thought you knew Sawyer... BUT YOU DON'T!" It was more like "Look, Sawyer is completely unpredictable because his personality is inconsistent." Is he nice? Is he not? What the hell? I guess it's because I don't really believe his "I never did a good thing in my life" thing.

    Why is Sawyer the only one on the island who needs glasses... and then only for reading? Where's my myopics at, yo?

    Also... I hope that the writers weren't banking on us having sympathy for Charlie before they had him whack Sun in the head. I hope someone whacks him.

    On the Official Lost Podcast they said to keep an eye out for an exciting flashback crossover. Woo, Kate's Waitress Mom, being a waitress. Which we've already seen her do. That really added to her character or the interweaving of the plot. Pointless!

    Uh... I sound negative. The episode wasn't bad, actually.
  • I watch too much TV.
  • My predictions for Beauty and the Geek: Unless they get immunity, Wes/Sarah and Cher/Josh will go to the elimination room this week. I think it's abundantly clear now who's a threat. I kind of want Brittany/Joe to win, because Brittany's my favorite Beauty (she comes off as being nice and has a cute mousy little voice to go with it) and Joe has been flying under the radar.
  • And finally, my (not particularly realistic but when is this show ever realistic?) predictions for Arrested Development: Justine Bateman will be revealed to be Michael's real twin sister, switched at birth, and Lindsay will be revealed to be not only not Michael's sister, but a man. C'mon. Who is this impostor anyway? S/he doesn't even have the Bluth nose.
  • Joey Jo-Jo Junior Shabadoo. *cries*

srah - Thursday, 9 February 2006 - 12:03 PM
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Comments (19)

gravatar Jamie - February 9, 2006 - 1:08 PM -

Somewhere in this entry you stole the motto of my life and a sentence that I use on my blog way too often.

gravatar J - February 9, 2006 - 2:54 PM -

I care nothing for this reality TV you speak of, but I do enjoy when people are called fools. Or better yet, foo'. Thank you.

gravatar alfie - February 9, 2006 - 6:41 PM -

His name isn't Rex Stetson, is it?

gravatar Rob Said - February 10, 2006 - 12:33 AM -

I'm suprised you didn't comment on Danielle's transmission. Despite what Sayid said, it's not the same transmission that we heard before.

Do you know exactly what she said?

gravatar srah - February 10, 2006 - 6:16 AM -

AAAAAAAAAAAH! Now I wish I'd taped it!

gravatar jamelah - February 10, 2006 - 7:46 AM -

Joey Jo-Jo Junior Shabadoo. I've been saying that to myself since you sent me the link to that thread. Though initially I agreed with whoever picked Chuck Norris as a name, I have to admit that Joey Jo-Jo Junior Shabadoo is pretty catchy. And it's stuck in my head. Like Copacabana, only weirder.

gravatar alfie - February 10, 2006 - 10:20 AM -

Did you see that Lemonjello and Oranjello were suggested?

gravatar Fraulein N - February 10, 2006 - 10:43 AM -

Wait. What was Rousseau saying in this transmission? Dammit, I missed it. Also, I just remembered: I don't speak French.

gravatar alfie - February 10, 2006 - 10:51 AM -

It makes me happy that someone suggested Snuffalupagus.

gravatar srah - February 10, 2006 - 11:19 AM -

Someone find me a recording!

gravatar alfie - February 10, 2006 - 2:17 PM -

I personally liked the suggestion of When in the course of human events...... Paltrow-Martin.

gravatar alfie - February 10, 2006 - 2:19 PM -

Also Chuck Norris Paltrow.

gravatar srah - February 10, 2006 - 9:46 PM -

I win I win I win I partially win!

gravatar Somewhat - February 12, 2006 - 6:06 PM -

I have the perfect cure for having *that* episode of The Simpsons stuck in your head. Sing with me:

Come gather round children,

It's time that you learned

Of a hero named Homer

And a devil named Burns.


So we'll dance day and night

By the big cooling tower,

They have the plant

But we have the power.

Of course, that episode is MUCH more annoying, but it does have the We'll fight 'til the death or else fold like umbrellas line, arguably the best lyric ever written.

gravatar srah - February 12, 2006 - 9:58 PM -

I downloaded last week's Lost to find out how the message had changed. It sounds like *something something* nous aider. Je vais essayer d'aller jusqu'au Rocher Noir, whereas (since thanks to Shannon's questionable translation I have a transcript) the message used to be a lot longer. Someone's been editing the message. I don't know why. It's weird... the *something something* sounds sort of like "il tente" or "ils tentent", which would make the message "he is/they are trying to help us. I will try to go to the Black Rock." If Black Rock is written on the side of the stupid ship, why did she translate it into French, anyway?

Also, the call letters they gave for the radio station sounded like WXON, which is the WB affiliate in Detroit.

gravatar srah - February 12, 2006 - 10:28 PM -

For anyone else who's following this fascinating French message dealie, here's some more discussion.

gravatar Karen - February 13, 2006 - 11:05 AM -

Ah, it's refreshing to find someone that watches as my TV as I do! I'm also hopelessly addicted to LOST although I was disappointed in the last episode.

Here via Michele's!

gravatar brittany - February 15, 2006 - 6:57 PM -

my name is brittany ann white!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

gravatar Jamie - February 16, 2006 - 3:16 AM -

I love Brittany, too. Now that Thais and Tyson is gone and Tristin has been rightfully eliminated because she was stuck with that one stupid guy, it's gotta be Brittany.

I loved her playing a poker and WINNING! wOOt! Cher has to go (although I'd be sad for Josh).

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