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Post-It®s Post-It®s everywhere, nor any drop to drink

I am so amused by most of my professors and GSIs. They seem like good people, and I'd kinda like to stick Post-It®s on their foreheads, too.

I think the whole Post-It® thing is actually pretty normal - it's just that most people don't think of it in terms of yellow sticky notes. The people I've labeled as my own are what Anne Shirley would have called "kindred spirits".

I suspect that I am quite fond of meeting new people. I am sad that I don't get more opportunities to meet my classmates and learn more about them, but I generally go into Serious Student Mode as soon as I enter the classroom and am only willing to discuss things directly related to the course at hand. I don't want to be that person. Or maybe I do.

srah - Thursday, 18 September 2003 - 9:30 PM
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