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Srah's week in The Office

I am giving presentations every afternoon this week. Once that microphone is clipped onto my sweater, I turn into a character in a television documentary. Once I get up in front of people I have an urge to shout GOOOOOOOOOOOD MORNING VIETNAM!, or possibly quote Benito Mussolini and bang on a podium for a while. Coincidentally, I also have a candy dish on my desk in order to lure young persons in my direction. All I need is a beet farm and a poster of freaky saxophone-babies and I will be complete!

srah - Tuesday, 27 June 2006 - 8:00 PM
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Comments (3)

gravatar jamelah - June 28, 2006 - 8:07 AM -

I think that for any public speaking engagement, you can't go wrong with emulating Dwight Schrute. (Or DWIGHT SCHRUTE! as I like to say.)

gravatar srah - June 28, 2006 - 8:40 AM -

Blood alone moves the wheels of history!

gravatar Grayden The Great - November 21, 2006 - 9:07 AM -

i think you should quote mussolini! he is the greatest man ever. the only thing i didnt like is that he sided with hitler. but quote him on speeches and bang on the podium. trust me i did it and i made student council every year. also i do public speakings alot and i like to wear my army cadet uniform when i do speeches to present a dictating image.

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