I bet his hair wouldn't even move at all

I sent a card to apete this morning¹ and was about to put the stamp on when I remembered the old chestnut that an upside down stamp means "I love you"². I was going to stick the upside-down stamp onto the envelope when I realized that it was one of the boring old standard stamps with the American flag on it. I wasn't sure exactly what it meant to hang the flag upside down, but I was pretty sure it wasn't good³. I was so conflicted I just stood there deliberating for a few moments with a stamp stuck to the end of my finger, and ended up putting the stamp on right-way-up.

Curse you, boring standard stamps! I am going to go out and buy some Ronald Reagans or something that I can feel comfortable flipping upside down.4

¹ I would say 'Oops, I spoiled the surprise' but he never reads my blog anymore - sniff sniff - so I probably didn't.

² According to the American Philatelic Society, what I actually would have conveyed is "Write no more!" but the USPS would much prefer that I put my stamp in the right corner.

³ I later found out it's a distress signal.

4 Hi. I love footnotes.

srah - Monday, 29 January 2007 - 5:11 PM
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