Not Eminem in underpants...

...but that would be a good Disturbing Search Request.

The second picture on this page is such a lovely combination of bad things. Please tell me that this is really Eminem.

I'm glad I'm not a celebrity. People would be dragging out all kinds of awful pictures of me. My sister would be selling them on Ebay.

Why do I like this picture? It's an embarassing photo of Eminem, we hope. Also, it's a photo of Eminem in an Alf t-shirt. Echhhh. It is also a pink Alf t-shirt. And to top it all off, Alf is saying "Hey, nice underwear!".

Ah, childhood memories.

In our house, I was never threatened that Santa would bring me coal for Christmas. Instead, I was threatened that I would get nothing for Christmas but underpants. The ultimate punishment was the threat of "Alf underpants". I don't know if anyone in my family ever saw any Alf underpants in the store, or if it was just an empty threat, based on the fact that the only thing worse than underpants was underpants with my least favorite television character on them.

Have you ever had/seen Alf underpants?

srah - Tuesday, 14 May 2002 - 4:37 PM

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Comments (1)

gravatar alfie - March 22, 2004 - 10:46 PM -

Ah. Beautiful post. I totally would, too.

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