Those who object to ninjas, vampires, werewolves and LOTS of swearing should probably abstain

I realize that I have already spammed you about this in pretty much every outlet known to man me (Twitter, Facebook, This is Awesome!, Digg, shouting at random strangers on the street), but there may yet be audiences and individuals I have not yet reached, and who desperately need to watch Le Strat: His Rock Is So Hard ("The story of the vampire that sucks blood and totally wails on guitar, and also saves rock and roll.").

Here's the trailer:

If you're not sold yet, let me inform you that the movie includes cameo appearances starring-ish roles by such past and present srah blah blah commenters as Rachel (Girl Looking Disgusted In Coffee Shop), Alfie (Arm In The Shot In Coffee Shop), Srahdad (Man Disapproving In Coffee Shop), Mr B (Mexican Wrestler, Man Accosted On Street and Dublin Bassist, among others) and Not Your Mom (First Member Of The Gang Of Moms).

The first third of the movie is currently online here, and segments are being added day by day until the whole thing's up. You can subscribe on YouTube or RSS¹ to be updated as the new parts appear. If you enjoy it, you can visit the Le Strat MySpace page, leave comments on the videos (or here, for that matter), Digg the video, and tell your friends!


¹ I haven't tested the RSS feed to make sure it works properly, but hopefully it will! If you don't get any notifications, check back in a couple of days.

srah - Saturday, 3 May 2008 - 10:19 AM
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