'Since many years, I haven't seen a rifle in your hands...'

I am cleaning my room in preparation for Jez's arrival on Saturday. Unfortunately, by "cleaning my room" I mean "making no visible progress on cleaning my room because I spent a lot of time organizing my CD collection instead of dusting and clearing up the piles of clutter."

The only advantage is that now my CD collection is nicely ordered and I got to listen to a few things while organizing. So I bring you a selection from various mix CDs I made in college:

  • Sarah MacLachlan - I Love You
  • Coldplay - Everything's Not Lost
  • REM - Everybody Hurts
  • Rufus Wainwright - Instant Pleasure (This is one of those songs that you may find yourself singing in public and get embarassed about... not that it has ever happened to me...)
  • ABBA - Fernando
  • srah - Thursday, 14 October 2004 - 11:59 PM

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