And their little dog, too!

I am, as Dana Carvey playing Mickey Rooney would say, "a star, kid..." *does weird hand/mouth gesture* "... A STAR!"

Or at least I will be, as soon as I am discovered by Hollywood! When I read about Bob's trip to the Museum of Science and Industry, I decided I wanted to do the same thing. The exhibit about movies sounded quite fun and interesting and you got to appear in your own stupid little film! So I convinced Jez that this was the best museum to start with, which turned out to be a good thing because admission was free on Monday.

As we sat in line to begin the movie-making experience, I speculated that I wanted to star!!! in the film so that Hollywood would be able to find me better. As it turned out, the kids in our group took the bit parts and Jez and I were left as the stars!!! of the Escape from Zircon trailer, Pat and Jessie.

It truly is a cinematic masterpiece, with some fine acting from the leads, including my trademark Smiling While A Car Comes Careening Out Of Control At Me, Smiling While The Plane Loses Control And We Might Die And I Don't Have An Oxygen Mask, Smiling While Being Kidnapped and Smiling While Wearing A Sweater And Kneesocks On The Beach In Hawaii. I must, however, give props* to our intrepid kidnapping spies, who were adorable beyond belief in their huge trenchcoats very menacing.

No autographs, please.

* Namely, either the Barbie dolls in the background of the Hawaii shot or the pepper shaker in the Paris scene that looked like it was full of coal dust.

srah - Wednesday, 20 October 2004 - 1:42 AM

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Comments (3)

gravatar katie - October 20, 2004 - 6:59 PM -

Because of your enigmatic use of asterisks in this post, I was left wondering for several minutes what Barbie dolls, Hawaii, pepper shakers, Paris and coal dust had to do with Dana Carvey, Mickey Rooney and you doing crazy hand/mouth things.

Silly me.

gravatar katie - October 20, 2004 - 7:04 PM -


*wipes tears from eyes*


Srah dear, that was the most entertaining thing I think I have ever seen.

gravatar bobby - October 21, 2004 - 11:41 AM -

I remember thinking when we first saw our final version that the two leads names were actually Pat and Jessie. I was like, "How did they do the voiceover so quickly! That's soo cool!" Silly me.

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