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Dennis was having a conversation with another computer-user about trains between Clermont-Ferrand and Vichy and looked at me, so I piped up.

Me: Il y en a plein. Un... ou deux par heure, je pense.
Dennis: Tu es de Clermont-Ferrand?
I looked at him strangely.
Dennis: Tu es de Vichy?
Me: Ben... pour l'instant...
Dennis: Mais d'origine? Tu viens d'où?
Me: Ann Arbor.
Dennis: Un arbre? Naples?
Me: Ann Arbor.
Dennis: C'est où ça?
Me: Dans le Michigan. (indicating Michigan sweatshirt)
Dennis: Tu es AMERICAINE?!

Dennis, Dennis, Dennis. How long have we known each other?

srah - Sunday, 16 March 2003 - 10:09 AM

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